Sunday, May 1, 2011

T-9 Days

What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare His own Son, but gave Him up for us all—how will He not also, along with Him, graciously give us all things? - Romans 8:31-32

There are only 9 days until I catch a flight to Accra, Ghana with my team from Regent University! With so little time left I've been up to quite a bit over the last couple weeks since my last post. In hopes of not making this post too long, here are some of the highlights:

This past Wednesday our team was invited to a special combined chapel between Regent University and CBN. At the chapel our team, along with a missions team going to Europe and another team going to India, was introduced and then Dr. Campo, president of Regent University prayed for us. It was an awesome commissioning chapel.


My visa also came in last week so I can now officially enter the country of Ghana! As of now everyone on our team has their visa and vaccines. Now we're just waiting for the 11th!

Toys and Cards:One thing we have the opportunity to do on our trip is visit schools and orphanages. This particular aspect of the trip is especially significant to me as I love to work with children. For this reason I gathered together some small stuffed animals and other fun surprises to use with the children and leave with them. I've also enlisted the help of the children's ministry at my church. This Sunday morning I was invited to speak to three Sunday School classes to talk about where I'm going and ask them to draw pictures and write letters to the children I'll meet on my trip. The idea is to first show the children here that they can have an impact on someone halfway around the world and, second, show the children in Ghana that they are loved. The children's pastor at our church, Pastor Billy, and his wife, Kim, came up with an awesome idea to make cards. They provided the paper, cut-outs, markers, and time in their classes for the children to put these cards together. I can't wait to post pictures of some of them next week and pass them out to the children in Ghana! The cards are absolutely awesome. Our kids did a great job with them!

It was so funny to hear the questions the kids had.  They were very concerned about the animals there, what people wear, if they drive cars, and the best of all . . . where do they go to the bathroom in a village with no electricy or indoor plumbing!  I can't wait to visit the kids again when I get back so I can better answer some of the their questions and tell them some stories.

How you can help:
Many people have asked how they can help so here are several ways you can get involved:

Prayer -
Please be praying for our team. Pray that our minds would be opened to quickly understand and adapt to the culture and language. That our eyes would be opened to see these people as Christ sees them. That our hearts would love as Christ loves. That our hands would touch and heal and that our feet would boldly go wherever the Lord directs us. Pray also for safety along the way as well as open hearts and doors when we arrive.

Financial -
As I come down to the last days before the trip there are a couple expenses I could use help with. One of my flights, from Norfolk to New York, has not yet been paid for. This flight cost $120. Also, I'm gathering together small toys and school supplies to take to the children. If you would like to give money towards what I've already purchased or have small toys or supplies you would want to donate that would be great! If you feel led to give towards any of these opportunities please email me at

Upcoming:This week we'll have language and culture training so I look forward to sharing that will you in the next post!

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